Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sisters=Mostly Friends

It can be difficult to have 3 young children so close in age but the joy it brings when they are playing together nicely makes it so rewarding! Aubrey and Bailey are playing together VERY often now and between the two of them, they have lots of suggestions as to what they should do throughout our day.  We are always practicing characteristics of being a good friend so even though I referee throughout the day, I also hear them being kind and loving to each other.  Today, after Aubrey was at "Cubbies" (Awana program through a church in town) she said, "I missed Bailey!" Now, Bailey's response was a little different! :) As Aubrey told Bailey that she missed her in the back of the car, Bailey quickly responded, "I had jellybeans Aubrey!" (While Aubrey was at "Cubbies," we went downtown to the candy store).  Bailey glad to rub it in I guess! :)   
Aubrey helping Bailey put on leotard so they could be gymnasts

Bailey, a very happy sick patient

Aubrey gives Bailey smothering affection and Bailey "takes cover"

Aubrey likes to read to Bailey

Making soup on a cold winter's day...don't you make soup in your swimsuit?

They like to have pajama parties in our bed

Oh...and Sally Pally is entertained just watching them all day!

Monday, February 6, 2012

5 Month Old "Pally"

                              Our Sally continues to get nicknames...our latest is our little "Pally"  

Drool....and 2 little teeth on the bottom to show(not shown in this picture however)

                                                  Sally is 20.5 lbs and 27 5/8 inches long.