Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My new favorite sling

Aubrey and Bailey both loved being in my ERGO baby carrier...both of them went all over Ecuador in this sling.  To my disappointment, Sally didn't even learn to like it.  The drawback to the ERGO is that she can't face out which is how she likes to be held.  I can do ALOT with one hand but a sling really makes life easier.  I had always wanted to try a MOBY sling but didn't want to take the time to learn a new one.  I finally took the time and both Sally and I love it.  Could I love it more than my other one.?...time will tell! 
Aubrey in ERGO sling
Bailey in ERGO sling

Sally in MOBY sling at Basketball game

Sally in MOBY sling... she just has to be facing out! 

A few more.....

Good Morning

Aubrey was delighted to find Sally in the swing after she woke up in the morning.  The rest of us were still in bed, trying to wake up.  I appreciated getting to wake up to the conversation between the two.  Sally smiling at Aubrey and Aubrey saying, "Hi little eyes!"  "You woke up happy!"  Sally "whoos" and smiles more.  Aubrey says, "Hi WhooBird" "Aren't you just a little Whoo bird?"  Sally really "whoos" and squeals.  Aubrey giggles which makes Sally giggle and it continues like this.  Bailey, by this time has snuck in bed with me and is finding Sally being a "Whoobird" pretty funny.  Daddy still snoring! :) 

Do you wanna be?

 One of the most popular questions from the girls is....."Do you wanna be ______?"  Mommy is currently on a break from being anyone else except Mommy for several days.  Sometimes, I chuckle when I respond, "Go ask Daddy if he'll be ______!"  Very funny look from Daddy when I do this.  I can pretty much guarantee they will end up becoming the characters of almost every favorite book we read or movie watched.  Lately, they have kept busy pretending our living room is the beach, dressing up(and Kirby) in all my hats, and being bible characters.   
 Aubrey as "Noah" with all the animals in the ark. 
 Bailey at the "beach" getting ready to jump in. 
"Tinker Bell"
 New costume added to the dress up box and has the potential to be worn every single day 

 At least it's not just Kirby...I love finding things like this :) 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sisterly love

From the time Sally was born, Aubrey gave her genuine attention.  What's a joy for me, is to listen to Aubrey thoroughly enjoy time with her baby sister.  Sally is happiest with Mama and Aubrey.  If Sally is crying and I can't get to her right then, I ask Aubrey to "babysit" and it is almost always a great success! I haven't mentioned Bailey in this yet because for right now, her fondness for Sally is not much to "report".  She'll help with Sally if I ask but doesn't go out of her way to get involved. 

Sally was thrilled that Aubrey was helping with her bath.  It was one of Sally's first times giggling.  Aubrey was pretending that Sally was "Moses," she was "Miriam" and I was "Jochebed." After I got "Moses" out of the bath, "Miriam" said, "Moses had had enough of the Nile River!" 
Aubrey also calls Sally, "Sally Pally Grace Face"...I'm pretty sure the Daddy was calling her that. 


Mmmmm....my thumb!

Sally Pally loves to munch on her thumb.  It's really nice because we can rarely find the pacifier when we need it. 

Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas Travels

 Every year, we drive to the midwest to celebrate Christmas with both sides of our families.  Again this year, we stayed in Iowa and then Nebraska!!  We are constantly reminded how gracious God has been in taking care of us on the road, especially with expected and unexpected weather conditions.  We expected traveling through snow at some point during the trip but fortunately didn't see much of that.  We didn't expect 80 mile an hour winds on our trip home, shredding our borrowed cargo topper to pieces and sending some of our Christmas gifts flying somewhere around Cheyenne.  It was a stressful trip on the road but we are so grateful that all of us made it safely home.  I just about cried when we stepped back into our humble abode.  After we unpacked, Aubrey and I were both a little sad over some Christmas presents that didn't make it home, but we got to pray together and thank God that we didn't get lost and remember that we love each other more than we love those presents.    I remember God's grace...all the times He's blessed us and I didn't even thank Him for it. 
 Some of the grandchildren/greatgrandchildren with "GiGi"
 We might  look alike?
 Now this is a picture of grace....squirmy but healthy, happy, and beautiful cousins
 G'pa and G'ma lovin it!

 G'ma L's house in Creston, NE
Uncle PJ can't hide being fond of the girls.
  Sorry...Bob you are out of this one! :)

New dress up clothes from G'ma Pat and G'pa Pauly
Great Grandpa Joe getting a little voice in his ear saying,..."Thank you for the stuffed animal!"