Monday, December 12, 2011

The Daddy

 I feel so blessed to have a husband that is willing to be so involved with our family.  There are so many times I laugh out loud at what the girls have gotten Joe to do with them.  He gets involved in their little worlds every day and I appreciate that so much. 
 The girls were all about playing "doctor" and "nurse" as much as possible after Joe had surgery.  They also just liked having access to Daddy all day and tried to keep him company in many different ways!!!  I walked in and caught Aubrey in action while Daddy was dozing.  Poor Daddy with baskets stacked on his head.  The girls love the book, "Caps for Sale" which is where I think Aubrey got this idea! 
                                                It was raining and pouring.....while reading.
Aubrey is so many characters everyday,we can't even remember what she was calling herself in this one, but she was being Joe's doctor and covering him up with all sorts of things. 

The Steve Shirt

When Bailey wakes up in the morning, she lays by the door waiting for Mommy, Daddy, or Aubrey to let her out.  Sometimes, she'll say, "May I please come out?" and I can see her eyes peering under the door waiting for some help.  She usually brings her favorite blanket ("Pinkie), her stuffed animals, and lately this green striped green shirt....AKA.. "The Steve shirt" with her.  If we agree she can wear the "Steve shirt" she bursts with excitement and big smiles.  She loves Blue's Clues and is especially fond of "Magenta" and "Steve"-the guy who wears a striped shirt just like this in the show.  She would like to wear this shirt everyday if she could.   

                                        She looks pretty cute in other clothes too...and pigtails!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

3 Months Old and Chubby

Sally Grace just turned 3 months old!  I know I mention that she is chubby a lot but I can't help it--her rolls are irresistable!  She weighed n at 15 lbs 4 oz at 2 1/2 mos which explains why she is already wearing anywhere from 6-9 month clothes...mostly sleepers these days because Mommy is so busy.  Although I feel sad that I'm not always dressing her up in a matching ensemble, I don't think she feels too bad being carried around in comfort and not style.

Giving Thanks

 This is the 2nd year that our family had the privilege of celebrating Thanksgiving at home.  I look forward to sitting around the table with whoever can join us.  This year, we had Aunt Mandy and Uncle John and Uncle Bobbo.  We have a few traditions this time of year, one of them writing down what we are thankful "4"!  I like to go beyond the usuals and get specific.  Being thankful is a practice.  I know being thankful makes a difference in how much joy you experience.  My hope is that I will continue to practice this discipline not just at Thanksgiving but everyday through the triumphs AND trials.  The triumphs are easy but the trials are for me a great opportunity for growth in practicing thanksgiving. 
                              The girls wanted to put on their best dresses for our special dinner. 
 We considered making her a onesie that said, "I ate the whole turkey!"  Little Gracie is certainly roly poly. 
 Another tradition is snowshoeing in the mountains and finding the perfect Charlie Brown Christmas tree.  The hike gets shorter and shorter every year as our family grows and we have to carry children part of/all the way Thankfully, we had plenty of help again this year!
